Reducing Cancer Danger (HCA) on Grilled Spammer
Dave the SPAMMER wrote:
> On Jul 31, 12:46 pm, Greg Esres > wrote:
> > Dave wrote:
> >
> > <<read his posts in other newsgroups>>
> >
> > I skimmed a few and he seems to be a strong voice for rationality.
> > I'm sure an alternative medicine newsgroup needs just that and hates
> > it all the more. Go Mark!
> Hey Greg -- Check out his line above, where he starts bringing in some
> religion to the group, and tell me if that sounds rational? Here's
> what he said,
> "His strategy is to attack the critic, not the criticism. This is one
> of two lines of evidence which leads me to suspect he may be a
> Scientologist, but I will not make that accusation without a
> reasonable degree of certainty that it is true."
Which is exactly true. Instead of responding to the
criticism, you attack the critic (me). This is exactly
what L. Ron Hubbard advised his minions to do.
> He sounds so reasonable here, doesn't he? But why in God's name (of
> any religion, pick one - personally, I'm not a scientologist) would he
> bring "religion" into a newsgroup discussion about foods?? That's just
If you deny being a Scientologist, I will accept that
at face value, in the absence of other information,
as I always do. That's why I did not make that
accusation, even when you launched damning untrue
accusations against me. Despite your behavior,
I adhere to a higher standard of evidence than you do.
> a part of Mark's agenda. If he thinks that calling someone a religious
> name is going to "smear" them, he begins it quietly, with so much
> grace. He certainly wouldn't do anything "without a reasonable degree
> of certainty that it is true." And yet, as you watch here, if the
> discussion continues, it will move from there into other areas of
> strange, strange attacks.
Uh huh. We know me. We don't know you.
Except from your spamming postings
to a non-commercial discussion newsgroup.
> Mark has literally been kicked off of newsgroups because of his attack
Name one such newsgroup. You LIAR!
You have no interest in posting to any newsgroup
except to drive traffic to your commercial blogspot
web site. You deserve no respect as a source
of information for anything, much less anything
relevant to this newsgroup.