Thread: Dish Cloth
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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default Dish Cloth

Woolstitcher wrote:

> "Billy" <Hereiam@hotmaildotcom> wrote in message
> ...
>>Does anyone have any secrets on how to keep your dish cloth from
>>smelling "sour" in the hot humid summer months?

> You can nuke a dish cloth for 60 or so seconds when wet. It's the last
> thing that I do before I go to bed. I fold it in 1/4's and nuke it. I take
> it out in the morning. It can be taken out right away ... I just don't do
> it that way (it's too hot).

GOOD GRIEF! It's a freakin' dishrag! Use it, throw it in the hamper,
get out a clean one. If it stinks it's dirty with food, bacteria, mold.
I'm no clean freak but it's not like you have to take out a loan to
buy enough dish clothes to last between loads of laundry. Why use
stopgap measures on something that cheap that you RUB ON YOUR DISHES?