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Chris Marksberry[_2_] Chris Marksberry[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 303
Default OT - hurricane Dolly Report

>> I was watching the coverage of Dolly on TV and was amazed to see all the
>> bottled water, sacks of ice, sandwiches and other types of food being
>> sent to the victims. When we went through Hurricane Alicia back in 1983
>> (it arrived on our wedding anniversary) we received zero help from no
>> one. Maybe someone did, but it sure wasn't anybody we knew. I have a
>> girlfriend who chased around a Sparkle Ice Truck just trying to secure
>> some ice.
>> Chris

> Nobody was there with water or ice, FWIR, and we lost electricity for at
> least a week. I remember going to work bright and early that morning, and
> I brought donuts. Hey, where is everybody??? lol I saw a huge sign go
> flying across the parking lot, so I went home.
> We had a huge hurricane party on our cul-de-sac. One family had several
> cartons of ice cream, which was nice, because it was soooo hot in August.
> Becca


Ahhh the memories. We lost electricity about 2-3:00 a.m the morning Alicia
blew in. My husband started drinking beer at 8:00 a.m.(while the beer was
still cold) and I remember telling him you can't do that. He wanted to know
why not and proceeded to drink beer.

No signs, no fences, swimming pools turned puke green, huge live oaks downed
in the streets and some IN peoples roofs. It took us about a week for the
electricity to be restored, but girlfriend (the one who chased the Sparkle
Ice Truck) didn't have any for a month... the part needed to repair the
transformer was in Dallas. All parts that Houston needs at any time are in
Dallas <g>
