Dish Cloth
On Jul 31, 2:41*pm, "Van" > wrote:
> "Billy" <Hereiam@hotmaildotcom> wrote in message
> ...
> > Does anyone have any secrets on how to keep your dish cloth from
> > smelling "sour" in the hot humid summer months?
> Replace it at LEAST once a day with a fresh one. *I toss my dishcloth and
> the 2 or 3 kitchen towels in the washer (clothes) every morning and replace
> with ones out of the drawer.
> We'll do a laundry load at least 6 times a week, so they just go along for
> the ride automatically.
> Kitchen SPONGES are great harborers of germs. *(I only use them for
> scrubbing the sink with Barkeeper's Friend).
> Just my 2¢.
> Van
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They are safer than you think- at least they have a chance of drying
out after a day or so...I heard that nukking a damp sponge on high for
2 minutes will take care of like 98% of bad critters. I have a little
basket that has suction cups that hangs onto the inside of your sink,
so my stuff dries out pretty quick. Otherwise, your plan sounds okay,