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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default (2008-07-31) NS-RFC: You are following one of your favorite recipes...

On Thu, 31 Jul 2008 20:29:30 +0200, ChattyCathy
> wrote:

>I chose "Take a guess, and substitute what you think might work" because
>the question states: "BUT, you find that you are out of an ingredient
>that will not impact the basic recipe but *may* impact the flavor".

I almost chose that answer too, but then I was honest with myself...
flavor counts, so if it's a major flavor component I'd probably move
on to another recipe.

I was at the point of gathering ingredients together to begin making
dinner last week when I discovered something that's usually on hand
was not there (I forget what it was right now, probably fresh onion) -
so I ditched that recipe and went on to a completely different dish.

If the missing flavor component is subtle, like bay or thyme, I'd
probably use something else (or omit it) and soldier on. When it adds
flavor, texture and volume... I rethink my plan.

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Mae West