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Default natural predators & a natural life is cruel? "Yes" - according to shit-stirrers Boob and Dreck

On Sat, 22 May 2004 00:46:13 +0100, ipse dixit > wrote:

>On Fri, 21 May 2004 23:36:17 GMT, wrote:
>>On Fri, 21 May 2004 18:02:15 +0100, "ipse dixit" > wrote:
>>>"usual suspect" > wrote in message ...
>>>> farrell77 wrote:
>>>> <...>
>>>> >>>>It's clear from those quotes that "usual suspect" believes
>>>> >>>>natural predation is cruel while human predation isn't,
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Bullshit, you shit-stirring punk.
>>>> >
>>>> > Nope that's clearly what you said, "christian".
>>>> That is NOT what I said.
>>> [start Mmhsb]
>>> > natural predators & a natural life is cruel?
>>> [usual suspect]
>>> Yes. Watch the Discovery Channel sometime.
>>> usual suspect
>>> "Ever seen what happens to various ruminants as they're
>>> stalked and hunted by large cats? Slaughterhouses may
>>> be messy, but they're not cruel."
>>> usual suspect
>>>"Suffering results for all animals whether they're
>>>eaten by humans or other animals. Indeed, many
>>>other predators are less humane than humans."
>>>usual suspect
>>>It's clearly what you said, christian.

>> Nonhuman predators can NOT be humane.

>According to "usual suspect" it's *cruel*,

It often is:
__________________________________________________ _______
Main Entry: cru·el
Pronunciation: 'krü(-&) l
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): cru·el·er or cru·el·ler; cru·el·est or cru·el·lest
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin crudelis, from crudus
1 : disposed to inflict pain or suffering : devoid of humane feelings
2 a : causing or conducive to injury, grief, or pain
>and that's
>the issue being raised here.

There are other issues being raised here. One is the fact that
he cares more about animals than you do. Another is the fact
that nonhuman predators are not humane.