Tender stir-fry beef
aem > wrote:
> On Jul 31, 4:40*pm, dsi1 > wrote:
>> You are very wise. I've used baking soda myself and will testify that it
>> changes the texture of the meat and that it's how the Chinese do it.
>> Personally, it funks it out a little too much for me - I prefer the meat
>> to resemble meat ....
> It's inaccurate to say it's how "the Chinese do it." It's restaurant
> managers/cooks who use cheap tough meat who "do it", so they can
> afford to offer cheap food to their customers. It's usually Chinese
> owners, Mexican cooks, and anglo customers. The Chinese, Mexican and
> anglo cooks who use good ingredients don't need to "do it" and don't
> like the negative effects of it.
It's not used to used to cover up cheap cuts of meat - that's just
ridiculous. It's done for texture - something that the Chinese
prize much more than Americans.
Get your nose down out of the air before a fly gets up there.