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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Tender stir-fry beef

dsi1 > wrote:

> aem wrote:
>> It's inaccurate to say it's how "the Chinese do it." It's restaurant
>> managers/cooks who use cheap tough meat who "do it", so they can
>> afford to offer cheap food to their customers. It's usually Chinese
>> owners, Mexican cooks, and anglo customers. The Chinese, Mexican and
>> anglo cooks who use good ingredients don't need to "do it" and don't
>> like the negative effects of it. -aem

> Well, you're the expert so I'll take your word for it.

She just plays one on Usenet.

I, OTOH, have spoken with and know several owners and cooks at
moderate to slightly upscale Chinese restaurants. Who use quality
cuts of beef (even tenderloin) and baking soda.

Now if I could just finagle my way into a few Vietnamese kitchens
I'd be even happier.

> BTW, are the negative effects of the alkaline treatment of animal
> muscle tissue?

One would assume that the alkaline would negate some of the vitamin
C content of any vegetables cooked with the meat, but that happens
with many combinations of foods/flavors. I don't think it'd affect
the meat, though.
