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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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Default Tender stir-fry beef

On Jul 31, 6:32*pm, Blinky the Shark > wrote:
> Mark Thorson wrote:
> > Sqwertz wrote:

> >> It's not used to used to cover up cheap cuts of meat - that's just
> >> ridiculous. *It's done for texture - something that the Chinese
> >> prize much more than Americans.

> > Yes, shark's fin soup and bird's nest soup are

> Hey!
> --
> Blinky
> Killing all posts from Google Groups
> The Usenet Improvement Project:
> Need a new news feed? *

Hey Blinky, even though you seem to know yer stuff, I have a couple of
issues with you.

1) One of your pals bit one of our humans a couple of days ago while
swimming. I suppose that goes without saying since it's tough to get
bitten by a shark while bicycling or playing canasta. The woman was
bitten on her hand and survived but please get the word out that
humans are not really that tasty as far as swimming creatures go.
Better to stick with squids and turtles and seals. BTW, I had some
squid this evening. Freaky little baby squid less that an inch long.
Really cute food. Fried tempura style. The squid was so small that the
batter had to be among the most delicate batter of all batters. I
enjoy miniature foods, they make me feel like Godzilla or the Jolly
Green Giant. Heck, I guess humans might be tasty too if they were the
size of peanuts and fried and salted. We also had yummy sushi although
those were just regular size. Unfortunately, I was culturally
insensitive and used hashi. Tough beans! The Japanese also like to
shove the whole thing in their mouth too but there's no way that I
would do that given the size of my pie hole and delicate nature.

2) The free newserver on is pretty spotty. Currently,
it's dead. I'm now using GG. I feel like such a luzer...

Thanks for any help you can give in these matters. Ciao!