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enigma[_2_] enigma[_2_] is offline
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Default Why not refrigerate everything?

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> Sheldon > wrote:
>>I have two ordinary average sized refrigerator freezers,
>>one in my kitchen, the other in my basement.

> Well I have thought abt TWO fridges vs one fridge and
> one freezer
> You have that and it works well for you it seems?

i have 2 fridges (one has no freezer) & 2 freezers. Sheldon
lives alone & in an area that really doesn't get a lot of snow
at once (he's not in the 'lake effect' snow area of NY, in
fact he's on the other side of the mountains from that area).
and NY state is really good about keeping the roadways clear.
he doesn't hunt the little Bambis on his land & doesn't
freeze produce out of his hobby garden.
i have a large garden, & need room for harvested meat, as
well as the grass fed sides of beef & lambs, & pasture pork we
eat. i don't buy little overpackaged overpriced saline-pumped
supermarket meat.
i also have a root cellar & canning shelves. what you need
for storing food depends a lot on where you live & how you buy
or preserve your food.

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