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Default Anyone Remember Dog'n Suds?

Lou Decruss wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Jul 2008 20:30:24 -0700, Blinky the Shark
> > wrote:
> >Lou Decruss wrote:
> >
> >> Any Midwesterners remember these places? When I was growing up I

> >
> >The Arf'n'Barf? Sure!

> Or Gag'n The Puke.
> >> guess there were 70 of them in the Chicago area. My siblings and I
> >> loved it when the parents would take us there on Friday nights. We
> >> felt we living large and the activity was overwhelming! We got these
> >> huge mugs of root beer and a burger or hot dog and even got to order
> >> onion rings. I'm sure the food was junk but it sure brings back some
> >> great memories of the 60's. I didn't even know there were still any
> >> around but it seems there are a few still around. Now I want to go on
> >> a short road trip. I'm looking forward to the car-hops.

> >
> >My memories of it are, like yours, from the 1960s (and also fun, as are
> >all my drive-in memories from that era). I grew up in outstate southern
> >Michigan -- I spent my first 33 years there.

> I was just a tyke in the 60's. My memories are of pleasurable times.
> I can't say I remember much about the food other than like any other
> youngster I liked it. The ice cream cones were soooo good. I
> remember my dad ordering a black cow and the car-hop burst into
> laughter. He had to tell her what it was.
> Lou

Some years ago, a new D&S opened in my area, and it was very "retro" in
that the building had peculiar architecture, ala exagerated
1950s-style. The D&S didn't do so well business-wise and it closed
within a year or two of opening. That peculiar building has remained
vacant ever since then (five-plus years now??) and is now nothing but an
eye-sore. I remember thinking at the time it was built that the
building was too strange and would have to be torn down should the
business fail, which it did. As is preached about real estate,
"location, location, location" is crucial, and this former D&S certainly
was built in a very bad location - all commercial "big box" stores
around and nary any nearby residential properties. Someone (or some
people) lost a whole big bunch of investment money. The food wasn't so
bad, but since its location was so poor, we only went there once or
twice ;/


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