Tender stir-fry beef
On Fri, 01 Aug 2008 14:17:11 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>On 2008-08-01, dsi1 > wrote:
>> Sounds a bit dangerous to try to sell a non-spec burrito in California.
>Naw. CA is such a melting pot, anything goes. One of the best burger
>joints I ever patronized was owned by a Korean family that bought out a fish
>market and never quite made it back to fish. Killer burgers. Look in the
>window of a Stix chain restaurant (Chinese food) and Mexicans are manning
>the woks.
You'll find Mexicans in many Chicago pizza joint kitchens too.
>OTOH, Mexicans are the backbone of the CA food industry.
It's not just CA. In Kitchen Confidential, Bourdain speaks of that.