On Fri, 01 Aug 2008 09:40:24 -0500, Sky >
>Lou Decruss wrote:
>> On Thu, 31 Jul 2008 22:12:29 -0700, Blinky the Shark
>> > wrote:
>> >Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> >
>> >> Lou Decruss wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Any Midwesterners remember these places? When I was growing up I
>> >>
>> >> The Arf'n'Barf? Sure!
>> >>
>> >>> guess there were 70 of them in the Chicago area. My siblings and I
>> >>> loved it when the parents would take us there on Friday nights. We
>> >>> felt we living large and the activity was overwhelming! We got these
>> >>> huge mugs of root beer and a burger or hot dog and even got to order
>> >>> onion rings. I'm sure the food was junk but it sure brings back some
>> >>> great memories of the 60's. I didn't even know there were still any
>> >>> around but it seems there are a few still around. Now I want to go on
>> >>> a short road trip. I'm looking forward to the car-hops.
>> >>
>> >> My memories of it are, like yours, from the 1960s (and also fun, as are
>> >> all my drive-in memories from that era). I grew up in outstate southern
>> >> Michigan -- I spent my first 33 years there.
>> >
>> >Wow. Their site says: "By the mid 1970's, Dog n Suds had grown to the
>> >extent that almost 600 units were in operation, which were located in 38
>> >states and Canada."
>> >
>> >Now they have 17.
>> Too bad as they're probably 100 times better than McShitties. From
>> what I saw on TV last night the garbage is made fresh and not
>> microwaved like the other FF places.
>> >Odd mix: 16 in the US Midwest and South and none west of the
>> >Mississippi......and one way out in British Columbia.
>> I found that odd too. I would think they'd have more success in
>> warmer areas. I've never been to a Sonic but it seems they've got the
>> drive-in garbage food market locked up. There's one in Champaign
>> which is where Dog'N Suds originated. Talk about a ******** college
>> town.
>> Lou
>Spouse and I occasionaly go to the Sonic near us, especially when we get
>"free" burger meals for two from a local radio station when/if we
>successfully answer the 'trivia of the day' call-in phone contest. The
>Sonic food is decent (way better than a McDs), especially if when it's
I didn't know D&S originated in Champaign, and neither did
>spouse, who's a 'townie.'
From he
From its rather humble beginning back in 1953 in Champaign,
Illinois when two music teachers from the University of Illinois. Don
Hamacher and Jim Griggs opened a hot dog and root beer stand. Dog n
Suds grew in the 50's, 60's, and 70's to a point where it was one of
the most successful fast-food franchises in the country. After
opening their first Dog n Suds unit, these two enterprising owners
were approached by a wealthy dowager from Champaign who like their
restaurant so much that she persuaded them to build her a restaurant
like theirs, since "it was so good and looked like so much fun to
operate". Rapidly Hamacher and Griggs' success became known in
Central Illinois which led to them foregoing the teaching profession,
and getting into the fast-food franchising business full time. Almost
overnight Dog n Suds drive-in restaurants began springing up all over
Illinois, and rapidly spread to the adjoining states of Indiana, Ohio
and Michigan. Five years after opening their first unit, the national
headquarters for Dog n Suds was established in Champaign, along with
an extensive training center aptly named "Rover College".