Ray wrote:
>>>>Lesley has a lengthy list of cure-alls: foot massage, Zapper,
> homeopathy,
>>>etc. I
>>>>suspect she's also a ****er.
>>>I've seen drunken teenagers kicked out of rough pubs for better stuff
> than
>>How about this one then...
>>Lesley: How about a 10" metal pipe forced down your throat and two lbs
>>of food pumped in?
>>suspect: You've had 10" down your throat. You tell us what it's like.
> You dererved that on two counts.
> (a) Your fixation with animal abuse which you promote at every verse end.
No, I don't. There's a big difference between acceptable means of food
production and beating the shit out of a poor dog with a broomstick. You've
admitted that SPECIFIC slaughter practices you oppose are immaterial to the fact
that you oppose ALL slaughter for food.
> (b) Your abusive personal posts to Pearl.
I've dealt with her as she's dealt with me. See some of the posts from last week
in which I tried to deal kindly with her. I withheld a lot despite her nasty
attitude towards me.
> You are a 'stinker' with no respect.
Coming from an inebriated old curmudgeon like you, I'll take that as a compliment.