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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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Default Tender stir-fry beef

On Aug 1, 4:17*am, notbob > wrote:
> On 2008-08-01, dsi1 > wrote:
> > Sounds a bit dangerous to try to sell a non-spec burrito in California.

> Naw. *CA is such a melting pot, anything goes. *One of the best burger
> joints I ever patronized was owned by a Korean family that bought out a fish
> market and never quite made it back to fish. *Killer burgers. *Look in the
> window of a Stix chain restaurant (Chinese food) and Mexicans are manning
> the woks. *OTOH, Mexicans are the backbone of the CA food industry. *Despite
> that, there are plenty of really lousy Mex food.
> nb

I have seen that what you say is so, and it don't matter to me what
the guys in the back look like, however, it's a shock to order Mexican
and get fusion. I'm game for fusion anyday but have to know what I'm
getting into beforehand.

My father once ordered saimin in a Chinese restaurant in Sweden. Why
he would do such a thing is not known to me. He must have been
desperate and friendly with the staff. The Filipino cook assured him
that he knew what he wanted but my dad was disappointed/shocked/amused
when he got spaghetti in chicken soup!