<sf> wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Jul 2008 15:24:32 -0500, "Gregory Morrow"
> > wrote:
> >Seriously, here's some reviews (including mine, natch!) from a local
> >Chicawgo site about a ******* bar that most everyone seems to hate. I
> >thought my review was scathing, but every time a new negative review is
> >posted my jaw drops - and I'm real jaded. Anyways, these are pretty
> >you can't make this stuff up! A coupla excerpts, read the whole thread
> >larfs, my entire review is at the end :
> >
> >
> >http://www.yelp.com/biz/the-closet-chicago
> >
> >"The Closet:
> >
> >"Was I having a nightmare?
> We have a wildly popular bar in the Mission that employs *******
> bartenders too. Horrible, horrible, horrible service. I can be
> sitting or standing belly up to the bar... cash in hand and they look
> over my head at a man (straight or ***) to take his order like I'm not
> even there. Obviously, I stopped going there for after work TGIFs.
> I'm not the only one who's had that sort of experience, so I guess
> that's the way they shape their customer base.
*******s can have really, REALLY severe "anger management"
problems...'course if I was like some of them I'd be angry too, lol.
In the case of the bar I was speaking of, you hafta wonder why a bar would
have such nasty staff, but then the owners aren't any better and are stupid
to boot...
In a metro area of 8 million as Chicago is, you'd think there would be at
least *one* nice ******* bar, but no. In fact there are only about three
******* bars total. Going to them is like visiting a time capsule of what
*** bars were 50 years ago, e.g. dirty, smelly, "take or leave it". It's
just kinda "odd" to me...