Thread: Dish Cloth
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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default Dish Cloth

"Gloria P" > ha scritto nel messaggio
. ..
> Billy wrote:
>> Does anyone have any secrets on how to keep your dish cloth from
>> smelling "sour" in the hot humid summer months?

> Half fill a glass jar with water. Add a splash of chlorine bleach
> and maybe a half tsp. of laundry detergent (optional). Put the dishcloth
> in, put the cover on and shake well a few times. Let soak a while if it's
> really nasty.
> Wring it out, run under cold water, wring again and spread out to dry
> over the faucet.
> gloria p

Very similar here, but in any dish that comes to hand and I don't save it.
I really think people are nuts these days. We have machines that wash
things better than ever before in history so we raise the bar and say "Well,
OK, but we can't wash this with that." An artist friend introduced me to
Napisan, a diaper disinfectant as a dish towel soak. It removes stains and
germs all at once. It's an important little tip because it is the ONLY
domestic thing she knows. DH does all the rest, but didn't care enough
about the stained towels. I call that a cool couple.