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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default More bucks than brains

"Goomba" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> If they'd said "No credit for you!" you'd have complained about
> discrimination and how they should be given a chance. Perhaps you would
> have thunk that no one (gasp!) would truly default on their home (gasp!)
> and the mean old bankers are expecting too much historical credit history
> from them when everyone just needs a step up......

I really don't know anyone who thinks that way. I certainly don't. These
credit "fools" are more or less our kids and they must have learned the Wild
West approach to credit from.... us?

My kid got in over her head some years back, and she dug herself out, too.
She paid $15,000 more for her house than she earns annually. Conservative?
I'll say. But I am very proud of her and weas equally shocked when she owed
almost a year's salary in credit card charges years back.