More bucks than brains
On Fri, 1 Aug 2008 15:07:37 -0400, "Kswck" >
>"Goomba" > wrote in message
>> blake murphy wrote:
>> foreclosures
>>> have skyrocketed.
> yep, it's all in our heads...
>>> blake
>> What *exactly* did Bush have to do with mortgages again? The way I see it
>> half the people having mortgage problems were people who overbought
>> assuming they were going to make a killing when they flipped the house.
>> Housing prices readjusted (look at California who led that trend) in many
>> areas because they were just insanely overpriced. There were also
>> certainly mortgage lenders who got sloppy and allowed unqualified people
>> buy more home they couldn't afford which I can find fault with. Yet
>> somehow I don't see how Bush (or Clinton before) as being responsible?
>Because Libs want to have someone to blame for everything from the mortgage
>crisis to global warming.
>These people who are defaulting on their mortgages are stupid for not
>figuring things out themselves, rather than listening to someone else.
>If your mortgage payment is 85% of your monthly income, then SOMETHING is
>not getting paid that month. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that
>one out.
>Read the fine print-does Balloon Mortgage mean anything to you idiots?
>So someone spending more money on a home than they can afford-can't be their
>fault-it's Bush's fault.
So, it's ok for institutions to engage in predatory lending practices.
I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.
Mae West