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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default I can't believe it's not butter

Dimitri wrote:
> If the ice cream is cold enough the heavy cream will semi freeze and
> form a frozen white crust on the top of the chocolate ice cream. It is
> the inverse equivalent of a chocolate dipped ice cream cone where the
> chocolate forms a hard shell.
> Not recommended unless you're on a low carb high fat diet.

Sounds good. I'm not trying it any time soon, but that has everything
to do with the temperature of my home freezer, nothing to do with diet.

(I'll probably get rotten food thrown at me for admiting this, but I'm
one of those people who eats whatever she wants, gets full, and stops
eating. It happens naturally, and I don't gain weight. I do have to
convince myself to exercise and to take the trouble to prepare and eat
vegetables, but after I do that, it's really no trouble.)
