Anyone Remember Dog'n Suds?
Lou Decruss wrote:
> On Fri, 01 Aug 2008 09:14:44 -0500, Sky >
> wrote:
> >Some years ago, a new D&S opened in my area, and it was very "retro" in
> >that the building had peculiar architecture, ala exagerated
> >1950s-style. The D&S didn't do so well business-wise and it closed
> >within a year or two of opening. That peculiar building has remained
> >vacant ever since then (five-plus years now??) and is now nothing but an
> >eye-sore. I remember thinking at the time it was built that the
> >building was too strange and would have to be torn down should the
> >business fail, which it did. As is preached about real estate,
> >"location, location, location" is crucial, and this former D&S certainly
> >was built in a very bad location - all commercial "big box" stores
> >around and nary any nearby residential properties. Someone (or some
> >people) lost a whole big bunch of investment money. The food wasn't so
> >bad, but since its location was so poor, we only went there once or
> >twice ;/
> I remember some of them in weird locations, but 30+ years ago it
> wasn't the issue it is today. I'm sure after being vacant for 5 years
> that place looks horrible.
> Lou
I have a difficult time remembering what condition that old D&S place
looks like now, because I so rarely venture into that area of town. In
fact, I avoid that area like the plague unless I have to visit one or
two of the 'big boxes' for 'building supplies' like paint, wood, etc.
(Think Lowes, Menards, Home Depot). Why that D&S was built the way it
was in the first place is beyond me. The building is useless for
anything except as a drive-in fast food eatery - IOW, I can't see how it
can be used for anything else. Someone, or some folks, had very poor
eyesight for future uses.
Sky, who's no architect either
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