More bucks than brains
Dimitri wrote:
> "Nancy Young" > wrote
>> These poor younger people, more than ever they must understand their
>> finances and I don't think anyone's teaching them in school.
>> Instead they get to college greeted by credit card companies, sign
>> here! You'll get a free pen set!
> Well we've evolved to a society of instant gratification.
> Got a headache - take a pill
> Bored- plug in your I-pod
> Want to go faster - buy a Beemer
You misspelled 'lease' ...
> Too lazy to make coffee - go to Starbucks.
> Can't afford what you want - use plastic
> There is no distinction between Want and Need
Hey, when I was first starting out, I didn't have 2 nickels
to rub together after I paid my rent. I made do with used
furniture and the kindness of friends who gave me their
spare pots and plates, etc.
I don't like to think how it would have gone if I had a credit
card. Back then no one I knew had them, except maybe
a Macy's card.
I would definitely have gotten into trouble.
Maybe with this crisis people will get a clue to change how
they view credit.