Plastic containers for leftovers
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Serene Vannoy
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,223
Plastic containers for leftovers
> I've bought food storage containers, but had worse luck with them in
> terms of not breaking than freebies -- being containers that I bought
> with food in them. Yogurt containers (quarts, 1/2 quarts, 8 oz.
> containers) make excellent food storage units, for instance. I have an
> eye for containers and a nice collection. I have several that I bought
> specifically for food storage (i.e. empty) but currently don't reach for
> them when I need to store leftovers, etc. in the fridge or freezer.
I don't like the freebies because I can't see what's in them, so I
forget about them and they become science experiments. I donate them to
the East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse, and they sell them to teachers
and artists and such folk.
"I think I have an umami receptor that has developed sentience." -- Stef
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Serene Vannoy
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