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Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
Marsha[_2_] Marsha[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 8
Default To juice or not.

clams_casino wrote:
> Glad to hear someone is pleased with GW.

> July 31 (Bloomberg) -- "The U.S. economy may have slipped into a
> recession in the last three months of 2007 as consumer spending slowed
> more than previously estimated and the housing slump worsened, revised
> government figures indicated."
> Aug. 1 (Bloomberg) -- "The U.S. probably lost jobs in July for a seventh
> consecutive month and the unemployment rate rose, increasing the risk
> the economic slowdown will worsen, economists said before a government
> report today. "
> Or is this depressing economy all due to Clinton?
> and McBush promises more of the same?

The economy cycles. We can't stay in an upward trend forever, no matter
who's in the oval office. And creating higher taxes for rich people,
who actually earn their money and use it to create jobs, and then giving
it willy nilly to those who won't educate themselves (won't, not can't)
so they can find a job is not the way to go. This is what Obama, or any
Democrat, will try to do if elected. I'm also really tired of the
bandaid approach to the poor, instead of giving them a fishing pole and
a way to get an honest leg up in life. Do you want to hear a sad story?
We have public housing that's being torn down and rebuilt. The local
paper interviewed one of the tenants, a single mom living with her four
kids, two over 21. She bragged that her mother was one of the first
residents. Three generations of people in the same public housing.
What's wrong with this picture?
