More bucks than brains
On Fri 01 Aug 2008 10:09:52p, Edwin Pawlowski told us...
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
>> It could be, but I might not be able to afford the payments at 15 year
>> fixed. I'll certainly raise the question.
>> --
>> Wayne Boatwright
> There are plenty of on-line amortization schedules so you can play around
> plugging in different numbers and see the differences. They can be huge
> over the long term.
Thanks, Ed. Yes, I've fooled around with those a bit. Still, it boils
down to what I can afford to pay per month over what I can save over the
long term. It's all a balancing act for us right now.
Wayne Boatwright
Friday, 08(VIII)/01(I)/08(MMVIII)
Democracy: Four wolves and a lamb
voting on lunch.