More bucks than brains
John Kane wrote:
> On Aug 1, 4:40 pm, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> How did it come to this, that people had NO IDEA they couldn't
>> afford a house 10 times their income? That it was just SO
>> CONFUSING, all those big words like balloon payment. What,
>> the interest rate is going to go up?
>> I guess we do need paternalist institutions telling us what to do
>> because it's just too much to expect us to figure out these things
>> on our own.
> The next time you go see your doctor I'm sure that you will be equally
> informed on the adviability of the new modified super-improved gene
> therapy that he is suggesting to cure hair loss. Don't forget he gets
> paid for that treatment.
> Whom do you trust more your banker or your doctor?
Well ... I'm not the one to ask: neither, particularly. But I don't need
a degree to figure out my mortgage payment is going to go up in
a few years when they tell me that right there in the papers. And
that No money down used to be a joke, but now somehow it's a
good idea?