If you don't burn off the alcohol?
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If you don't burn off the alcohol?
aem > wrote in news:ff62fab2-6b4c-4bfe-8f52-
> As opposed to that, say you cook fish fillets in butter, remove them
> to a warm plate, add some shallots and capers to the pan with some
> white wine, let it bubble for a couple of minutes, stir in a bit of
> cold butter and pour it over the fish. I don't see anything to be
> gained by flaming this. -aem
Best of luck attempting to ignite wine...I don't believe anything with less
than 50 proof alcohol content will ignite.
If you notice, there is no smoke when alcohol all the
combustable subtances have been consumed in the flame. So there is no
residue or anything left to flavour anything. Burning off the alcohol is
showy and a good timer as to when most of the alcohol has left. But leaves
no added taste.
The house of the burning beet-Alan
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