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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default If you don't burn off the alcohol?

On Sat 02 Aug 2008 10:53:58a, Dave Smith told us...

> PeterLucas wrote:
>> Goomba > wrote in news:6fjd3oFbvh94U1
>> > When using alcohol to deglaze a pan or into a sauce, I'm wondering
>> > what the difference in taste is if you do or don't set it ablaze? I
>> > mean, how does burning it change the flavor?
>> > Anyone know?
>> >

>> IIRC, the burning doesn't change the flavour, it just gets rid of the
>> alcohol, so you don't get shitfaced while you're eating.

> Bear in mind that when you heat the booze before flambeeing, it is the
> fumes that ignite, not the sauce it is added to, so it stands to reason
> that those alcohol fumes would have evaporated whether it was burring or
> not. The flames keep the liquid hot, so more alcohol evaporates.

Yes, more alcohol evaporates, which also makes it taste less "boozey".

Wayne Boatwright
Saturday, 08(VIII)/02(II)/08(MMVIII)
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who has a microphone when you don't;
they'll make you look like chopped
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