On Sat, 2 Aug 2008 11:44:58 -0400, cybercat wrote:
> "Dimitri" > wrote in message
> ...
>> When I was at UCLA a while back the head of cardiology told me the sad
>> fact is without an angiogram there is simply no way to tell how much
>> blockage is present. If you look at the case of Tim Russert its a classic
>> example of a "Widow Maker"
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widow_maker
>> No symptoms then by the time you hit the floor you're gone.
>> I also believe one can do everything to put the odds in your favor from
>> the French Paradox to the Mediterranean diet but I think heredity plays a
>> much stronger role than we can imagine.
> We don't get out of this craphouse alive anyway.
damn good thing, too. would you want to hang around the craphouse forver?