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Default Underbaked bread etc. (UK)

On Sat, 2 Aug 2008 16:19:59 +0100, "Sla#s" >

>Is it just me ... (OK, it usually is...) but has anyone else noticed that
>some foods have recently become undercooked?
>I notice it mostly with store cooked baked products, bread etc.
>It's just a suspicion that the supermarkets are trying to save fuel costs by
>cutting down on the bake time...
>The last couple of loaves of bread I've bought have been very "doughy". Then
>just today, at work, one of our clients brought in some doughnuts, as a
>thank you, which again everyone thought were undercooked.
>The consensus is that Tesco seems to be the most noticeable.
>Anyone else notice a trend?
>And how about in the US?

Nothing here. The bread I buy is fine.

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