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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default The incredible shrinking Doritos bag

On Aug 1, 8:59�pm, Sky > wrote:
> Dimitri wrote:
> >

> > Be sure to see the slide show at the bottom.

> > --
> > Old Scoundrel

> > (AKA Dimitri)

> Since when is this new news??? �Nearly every product on the market (as
> someone (sw?) says, the stupidmarket!) has increased prices while their
> products' contents quantities (weights/volumes/whatever) have
> significantly decreased! �Just another example of means to increase
> profits at the bottom line.
> sky, who's no economist!

It's not to increase profits... businesses increase price and reduce
quantity in order to reduce losses... businesses don't like to raise
prices and reduce quantities but their operating costs rise too, and
if they cheapen the product people wont buy it. They do have a third
choice, to go out of business... companys often do rather than reach
the point where they need to declare bankruptcy. I would much rather
they simply raise prices and leave quantities alone... I can accept
prices going up, but repackaging is an attempt at manipulation that
greatly offends my sensibilities. Paying more hurts enough but
getting less too adds insult to injury.