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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default If you don't burn off the alcohol?

Goomba wrote:

> Giusi wrote:
>> A lot of it depends. In some instances you can get caramelization, like
>> when you burn rum and sugar together. Some dishes for which you burn
>> alcohol over a skin or rind will alter in taste because of the applied heat.

> Ah, but I figure I'd get caramelized flavor cooking the sugar on its
> own, yet if I then add the liquor component and not flame it, will it be
> the same end resulting flavor? I dunno...?
>> What you could try is making some really easy flambé dish side by side-- one
>> you burn, the other you don't.

> Tru'dat. As Wayne suggested, I suppose bananas Foster would be a good
> recipe to test this on. I have all the ingredients but currently no
> kitchen, lol! The construction begins again on Monday...<small happy dance>

With this post, since I've always been interested in word and phrase
origins in general, I'm kicking off a new feature specific to this
newsgroup: Blinky's Food Name Trivia.

Blinky's Food Name Trivia - Bananas Foster: "The dish was created in 1951
by Paul Blangé at Brennan's Restaurant in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was
named for Richard Foster, a friend of Owen Brennan's and New Orleans Crime
Commission chairman."

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