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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default More bucks than brains

On Sat, 02 Aug 2008 12:17:11 -0700, sf wrote:

> On Sat, 02 Aug 2008 11:07:13 -0700, Pan > wrote:
>>On Fri, 01 Aug 2008 12:48:29 -0700, sf wrote:
>>>>And did these predatory practices start in 2000, or perhaps, before?
>>>>And how much responsibility did the borrowers hold here? Were they all
>>>>helpless, clueless victims?
>>>So, you want to play Blame the Victim?

>>No he is not blaming the victim, in that the victim here is the

> I don't know why you're saying taxpayers are the victim when they are
> not bailing out the people who lost their homes. They are bailing out
> the lending institutions who made those bad loans.
>>Those who took these mortgages out are not victims. They signed a
>>contract, knowing that they would be unable to pay if the interest
>>rate went up. And they knew that the rate would go up, because it
>>said so in the paper work.
>>The mortgage brokers didn't care, they were selling the mortgages as
>>fast as they were signed, the bundlers and purchases of these thought
>>that they would make money in a turn over.
>>And now the govt. will take the money that I worked for and pay all of
>>these fools.
>>And those of us who played by the rules will be screwed once again.

> So, now I have to get all teary eyed over those poor mortgage brokers
> and their horrible problems?

yep. they'll be living in cruddy cardboard boxes from wal-mart for sure.

your pal,