If you don't burn off the alcohol?
On Sat 02 Aug 2008 02:00:46p, told us...
> On Sat, 02 Aug 2008 17:59:42 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>Yes, more alcohol evaporates, which also makes it taste less "boozey".
> Which brings me back to my first (and only) attempt at Cherries
> Jubilee. I didn't lower the lights because we didn't have dimmers, so
> I ignited and expected a bigger flame. Poured again, ignited...
> repeat process. Oh, man.... it was BOOZEY. That put me off of
> Cherries Jubilee for a lifetime. Never again. Blech. What a waste
> of good brandy.
> The only flambéed dessert I'll eat now is crepes Suzette and I haven't
> had that in years.
Next time reach for the dimmer. (I assume you have one.) Or, have candles
on the table and turn the overhead light off altogether.
Wayne Boatwright
Saturday, 08(VIII)/02(II)/08(MMVIII)
Don't start an argument with somebody
who has a microphone when you don't;
they'll make you look like chopped
liver. --Harlan Ellison, on hecklers