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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default Eating Manually

On Thu, 31 Jul 2008 09:58:01 -0700, Abe wrote:

>>Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>>> Becca wrote (I started a new thread):
>>>> My mother never allowed us children to eat with our hands. We had to use
>>>> utensils, if we wanted to eat. Her mother was the same way, and she was
>>>> French. I wondered where this came from. It is still difficult for
>>>> me to
>>>> eat foods like hot dogs or pizza, without using a fork.
>>> Ribs, tacos, egg rolls, and hot dogs are NOT AS GOOD if you don't eat them
>>> with your hands. Sushi is MEANT to be finger food; eating sushi with
>>> chopsticks is a sign of cultural ignorance.

>>Really? I never saw anyone in Tokyo eating sushi with their hands, only
>>with chopsticks. And I've never seen this assertion before.

> Yeah, Bob's got some bad info regarding sushi eating etiquette. I've
> also heard that same bad info passed around before on the Web and
> poorly researched food shows.

<jams fingers in ears>

i can't hear yoouuu!

your pal,