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Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
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Posts: 33
Default To juice or not.

> wrote in message
On Aug 2, 1:35 pm, Pan > wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Aug 2008 17:24:06 -0700 (PDT),
> wrote:
> >Funny, I'm a college-educated business owner, and my personal economy
> >is
> >ALWAYS better when a democrat is in the Oval Office. I cried the day
> >Clinton
> >left and Shrub mentioned the word "recession" in his inaugural
> >address.
> >Self-fulfilling prophecy, anyone? Crippling national debt, anyone? The
> >sooner we throw out the big-gubmint, tax-spend village idiot in
> >Washington,
> >the better off we'll all be.

> You mean that You did better under the higher taxes?
> And there was a recession when Clinton left, two quartets of negative
> growth, which we have not had under Bush
> And yes, Bush is a big spender,(which ****ed me off) , but Oboma will
> spend more, and tax more. So if you think that Government can spend
> your money more wisely then you can, vote Dem.

NO. My taxes were lower under Clinton. Two "quartets"? Did you mean
"quarters"? Moron. And no, there were NO quarters of negative growth

well, the "t" is right next to the "r", and ya know what it means when
you start picking on spelling on usenet.

Clinton, at least not for those of us who actually produce a product.
I made
more money undre Clinton, so obviously my clients did
as well. There was NO RECESSION when Clinton left, and there
no hint AT ALL that one might be coming until doofus shrub-boy
mentioned it
in his inaugural. The gubmint had a SURPLUS!

not a real one. a real one would involve actually having the money
on hand, not just a promise of money to come when the analog tv spectrum
was sold. because that's how he got to declare a surplus. figures lie
and liars figure.