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Default Underbaked bread etc. (UK)

On Aug 2, 11:19�am, "Sla#s" > wrote:
> Is it just me ... (OK, it usually is...) but has anyone else noticed that
> some foods have recently become undercooked?
> I notice it mostly with store cooked �baked products, bread etc.
> It's just a suspicion that the supermarkets are trying to save fuel costs by
> cutting down on the bake time...
> The last couple of loaves of bread I've bought have been very "doughy". Then
> just today, at work, one of our clients brought in some doughnuts, as a
> thank you, �which again everyone thought were undercooked.
> The consensus is that Tesco seems to be the most noticeable.
> Anyone else notice a trend?
> And how about in the US?
> Slatts

It's probably not the bakery but rather the baker who's underbaking
the bread. Supermarket bakeries don't use professionally trained
bakers. They just pick one of their employees to do the job. In some
cases they'll find someone who knows how to bake and cares about
putting out a good product. Other times they're not so lucky. It
would be a waste of money for a bakery to put out underbaked product
all the time because they would have to throw it all away. That's
wasting product and labor.