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PeterLucas[_5_] PeterLucas[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 1,025
Default If you don't burn off the alcohol?

"Paul M. Cook" > wrote in news:g72sng$pp0$1

> "Goomba" > wrote in message
> ...
>> PeterLucas wrote:
>>> IIRC, the burning doesn't change the flavour, it just gets rid of

>>> alcohol, so you don't get shitfaced while you're eating.

>> Seriously? Oh. I just assumed there was more to it than that?
>> Well, I don't ever strive to get "shitfaced" but... getting a little
>> mellow is always welcome

> Peter must be a real cheap date.

Not when you have a 4 course meal and *everything* is made with or has
alcohol in it :-)

The ladies at the table certainly ended up shitfaced........ or maybe it
was just the drinks I was supplying with the dinner??

Fresh mango pieces mascerated in Grand Marnier for 3 days, a spoonful in
a balloon glass and topped with bubbly :-)

4 couples were at that dinner party, 2 of the females became pregnant
because of it... so I officially called the drink I created, 'The
Babymaker' (unofficially, it's The Legopener);-P

Peter Lucas

If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?