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PeterLucas[_5_] PeterLucas[_5_] is offline
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Default If you don't burn off the alcohol?

Goomba > wrote in

> Dave Smith wrote:
>> You would have to add a lot of booze to a dish before you would have
>> to worry about getting shitfaced. There aren't many dishes that call
>> for more than a cup of wine .... two glasses, and those usually feed
>> a half dozen people.or more, When you flambe you usually use only an
>> ounce or two.
>> I know there are supposed to be studies out there that say that the
>> alcohol does not all burn off ia flambe or boil off in a braised
>> dish, but that leaves me wondering. You have to use alcohol to flambe
>> because there is not enough alcohol in wine.

> Oh I know a little alcohol won't make (most) anyone "shitfaced" LOL
> I was just commenting on his comment. But if the point of the burn is
> to change the flavor or to remove the alcohol is what I ponder....

Peter Lucas

If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?