On Sat, 02 Aug 2008 21:11:39 -0700, Cindy Fuller
> wrote:
>In article >,
> "modom (palindrome guy)" > wrote:
>> Texas. I haven't seen more recent figures, but a couple of years ago
>> it was distinguished by the fact that its water usage rose even fasted
>> than its population over the course of a year. I do not much care for
>> Frisco.
>Frisco is just far North North Dallas, from what you wrote. I used to
>break out in hives if I had to travel too much north of Lovers Lane when
>I lived in Dallas.
Your Oak Cliff bona fides are duly noted and affectionately
remembered. There truly is a certain "these are not my people"
character to the experience of Frisco.
Back when I was a callow youth, I had a job with a boxing and shipping
outfit based in Richardson. TI was a major client, though once we did
pack a sailboat for some geezer moving to Europe. One day I had to
make a pick up at their shop up in Frisco. The place didn't even have
walls. Frisco hardly existed at all. Maybe 300 people total. But
that was during the first Nixon administration. Now they have a minor
league baseball team and plenty of concrete.
The August heat was murder at the market. Folks were knocking down
their stands at noon. I can't help but think a tree or two would be a
help. There are perilous few trees up in those parts.
>Many years ago Molly described women at the state Republican Convention
>as of two types: the "Wandas" and the "Buffys". What you saw in Frisco
>were definitely Buffys.
Yup. Vampire slayers, each and every one. Coach handbags, botox,
pricey coifs, chemical peels, and the whole nine yards.
I have long maintained that Texans are not easy to love: we are, like anchovies, an acquired taste.
-- Molly Ivins
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