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Default I'm in the Mood To Invent

On Sat, 02 Aug 2008 17:34:00 -0500, Janet Wilder
> wrote:

>I have invented a new meatloaf recipe and it's in the oven right now.
>I'm trying to avoid carbs as much as possible (DH has diabetes) I took
>one pound of home-ground lean chuck and 3 Johnsonville sweet Italian
>sausages for the meat. I added one egg, some granulated garlic, about 2
>tablespoons of dried chopped onion, 1/3 of a small can of tomato sauce
>(low salt)and about an 1/8 tsp of dried Italian seasoning. Formed it
>into a loaf shape and put it in a glass baking dish just a little bigger
>than the loaf (can't measure it now it's in the oven) I poured the other
>2/3 of the can of sauce over the top and stuck it in a 350 oven for an hour.

Janet, I think you're on the right track. I've never understood how
people can stand all those cruddy fillers (bread, oatmeal etc). I
HATE meatloaf with that stuff in it. Give me meat!

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West