If you don't burn off the alcohol?
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If you don't burn off the alcohol?
On Sun, 3 Aug 2008 07:22:07 +0000 (UTC),
Pope) wrote:
>On Sat, 02 Aug 2008 17:08:19 -0400, Goomba >
>>The only reason I can think of (that makes sense to me) for people to
>>care would be the raging alcoholic who is taking the drug Antabuse. ANY
>>contact with alcohol causes them to become violently sick to their
>>stomach. It is the purpose of this drug (adversion therapy) and those
>>folks might want to know?
>In addition to the possibility of Antabuse therapy, some persons
>in alcoholic recovery are subjected to daily urine testing that is
>very sensitive to alcohol, and even alcohol used in food prep
>can trigger a positive test. This might spell disaster if the
>recovery has been ordered by a court, employer, or union, or
>if the person is on a waiting list for a liver.
Again, I say "so what"? How would I know unless I'm told? Am I
supposed to treat all guests as if they are in that situation? We
might as well meet at a restaurant. Then said guest can manage his
own meals.
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Mae West
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