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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default If you don't burn off the alcohol?

(Victor Sack of Shit) wrote:
> Goomba > wrote:
> > When using alcohol to deglaze a pan or into a sauce, I'm wondering what
> > the difference in taste is if you do or don't set it ablaze? I mean, how
> > does burning it change the flavor?
> > Anyone know?

> In part, you are confusing deglazing with flamb�ing. �As to adding
> alcohol to sauce while setting it ablaze, it is assumed that most of the
> alcohol is burned off, while the flavour is retained. �I don't find this
> explanation convincing, especially in such a recipe as coq au vin or
> some versions of boeuf bourgignonne which call for cooking for hours
> after flamb�ing, thus achieving the same end in any case. �I would say
> that any difference it makes is likely to be negligible. �This would
> perhaps be different if flamb�ing were done tableside for effect, and if
> your guests were impressionable.
> Victor

Victor, you rattle like an empty tin with a pebble... wine cannot be
flambed... the alcohol in wine is much too dilute, and in a stew
yet... I don't believe you have ever cooked anything you bullshit
about, all you do is attempt to cow folks with fat foriegn woids and
useless minutia you dredge off the net bottom. And Victor, no doubt
whatsoever. you definitely have TIAD... yoose gotta get off your
stewed coq kick.