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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default Pork Rectum Recipies?

Myrl Jeffcoat wrote:
> I'm game to try a lot of things, but some - I won't even go there! I
> only have one question, with all the available cuts of meat that are
> available - WHY? I'm almost afraid to see the answer:-)

So he'd have something to talk about on RFC
that would seem shocking to some, like you.

If the store had frozen Thai rat-on-a-stick,
he probably would have bought a package of
those, too.

Speaking of which, I killed a big rat on my
front porch yesterday. It had gotten into
the house on Friday night when I left the
door open for ventilation, so on Saturday
I set traps. And in the evening WHAP!
Got him! Tossed the dead body near a creek,
where local scavengers (probably coyotes)
regularly collect small dead bodies.
I used walnuts for bait. One big piece on
the trigger, and then lots of crumbled bits
around the trigger. I squeeze the crumbled
bits to release the oil, in the hope of making
the presentation more attractive.