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Goomba[_2_] Goomba[_2_] is offline
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Default If you don't burn off the alcohol?

Victor Sack wrote:

> In part, you are confusing deglazing with flambéing. As to adding
> alcohol to sauce while setting it ablaze, it is assumed that most of the
> alcohol is burned off, while the flavour is retained. I don't find this
> explanation convincing, especially in such a recipe as coq au vin or
> some versions of boeuf bourgignonne which call for cooking for hours
> after flambéing, thus achieving the same end in any case. I would say
> that any difference it makes is likely to be negligible. This would
> perhaps be different if flambéing were done tableside for effect, and if
> your guests were impressionable.
> Victor

Thank you for your reply.
yes, I most likely am confusing the two.
Thankfully, my kids are easily impressionable, LOL.