River fish
James wrote:
> Would you eat fish you caught from your local rivers?
> In the 60's I had a bit of an eel from the Hudson River in NYC. It
> had a gasoline smell to it. Don't know if that's natural or if it was
> really polluted.
I don't believe I'd eat fish from the Missouri or Mississippi. Not real
sure about the Meramec, either. I guess it would depend where along it
the fish were caught, and if there'd been recent flooding that washed
all kinds of god knows what into the water.
I'd have to pass on fish caught from at least one nearby creek. The
stable hands at the local barn were puking sick after one of their camp
outs and bonfires, and they swore it was from the fish they caught and
ate. And it might even have been true. They'd been swimming in that
creek with their horses and dogs and by the end of the day that water
was probably more like "mud & mammal tea" But my money was on the
whiskey and pepsi, with dirty hands running a close second.