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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Hamburger steak breakfast

On Sun 03 Aug 2008 04:58:40p, koko told us...

> I had one burger left over from last night so I thought I'd make a
> hamburger steak breakfast.
> I heated up the burger and the leftover potato with a little water in
> a skillet.
> Stan like his fried eggs cremated. No runny anything on his eggs. (one
> of many reasons I don't cook for him but I had to this weekend. ;-)
> I cracked two eggs in some butter in a non stick skillet. Then I used
> the tines of a fork to break and swirl the yolk. Covered the pan and
> left the eggs on very low until I saw the top of the eggs just
> starting to set up.
> Then I did the ol' shake the skillet and flip thing. Yippieee!!!
> perfect.

I normally like my eggs fried over easy or medium. However, I like the way
you fried these for a fried egg sandwich. Perfect!

> Topped it all off with some of the leftover gravy that's so good I
> could roll around in it.
> koko
> There is no love more sincere than the love of food
> George Bernard Shaw
> updated 8/03

Wayne Boatwright
Saturday, 08(VIII)/02(II)/08(MMVIII)
Don't start an argument with somebody
who has a microphone when you don't;
they'll make you look like chopped
liver. --Harlan Ellison, on hecklers