On Sun 03 Aug 2008 10:48:04p, Noodles told us...
> Sheldon;96596 Wrote:
>> Noodles wrote:
>> >
>> > Looks like a heart attack on a plate.
>> http://i33.tinypic.com/3538lew.jpg
>> How do you make the leap from a plate of shit to heart attack???
> Full of grease, adds cholesterol, thus heart attack.
If every meal you eat is like that, then yes. If it's an occasional
"treat" to have that sort of meal, it's not really a big deal.
I'd hate to think that my diet would be limited to only the "healthiest" of
foods. If I can't enjoy the occasional greasy meal, or a big wedge of
cheescake, there wouldn't be any indulgences to look foreward to.
For the most part we eat very healthy meals; lean meats, fresh vegetables,
few sauces or gravies, etc.
Wayne Boatwright
Saturday, 08(VIII)/02(II)/08(MMVIII)
Don't start an argument with somebody
who has a microphone when you don't;
they'll make you look like chopped
liver. --Harlan Ellison, on hecklers