Thread: River fish
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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default River fish

> On Sun, 3 Aug 2008 18:27:55 -0700 (PDT), James > wrote:
>> Would you eat fish you caught from your local rivers?
>> In the 60's I had a bit of an eel from the Hudson River in NYC. It
>> had a gasoline smell to it. Don't know if that's natural or if it was
>> really polluted.

> I expecxt it's pollution. The Michigan DNR recomends that children under the age of 13
> and women of child bearing age not eat fish caught in the inland lakes and rivers at
> all.
> The main pollutants seem to be lead, mercury, trichlorethane, acetone and PCB's. Good
> stuff Maynerd.

PA says this:

Note: All sportfish taken from Pennsylvania waters by recreational
angling are subject to a one-meal-per-week consumption advisory. The
statewide advisory does not apply to fish from commercial sources,
including private fish farms, restaurants and markets.

And then:

PCBs and most other organic contaminants usually build up in a fish’s
fat deposits and just underneath the skin. By removing the skin and fat
before cooking, you can reduce the levels of these chemicals. Mercury,
however, collects in the fish’s muscle and cannot be reduced by cleaning
and cooking methods. To reduce PCBs and other organics:
• Remove all skin.
• Slice off fat belly meat along the bottom of the fish.
• Cut away any fat above the fish’s backbone.
• Cut away the V-shaped wedge of fat along the lateral line on each side
of the fish.
• Bake or broil trimmed fish on a rack or grill so some of the remaining
fat drips away.
• Discard any drippings. Do not eat them or use them for cooking other
foods, or in preparing other sauces.