I remembered the bags!
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Mon 04 Aug 2008 01:41:37p, Nancy Young told us...
>> A couple of weeks ago I went to the farmer's market,
>> everyone is all organic, direct from the farm to you. So
>> I show up to buy vegetables and flowers, oh, can I have a
>> bag? A plastic one? Everyone else had their canvas grocery
>> bags with them. Just not me.
>> So, I went back yesterday and remembered! to bring my
>> bags. I felt quite virtuous. Heh.
> Oh, Lordy...Nancy Young the bag lady! :-)
Nancy Young the wannabe bag lady, you mean. (laugh)
> We've been taking our own bags for years. I try to remember to put
> them back in the trunk of the car right after we've unloaded
> everything.
I've done that, kept them in the car. Hasn't helped me.